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vi-Quick Reference

Movement Commands

h, j, k, l Left, down, up, right (<-, -v, -^, ->)
w, W, b, B Forward, backward by word
e, E End of word
), ( Beginning of next, previous sentence
}, { Beginning of next, previous paragraph
]], [[ Beginning of next, previous section
0, $ First, last position of current line
^ First character of current line (ignore spaces)
+, - First character of next, previous line
n | Column n of current line
H Top line of screen
M Middle line of screen
L Last line of screen
n H n (number) of lines after top line
n L n(number) of lines before last line
[CTRL-F], [CTRL-B] Scroll forward, backward one screen
[CTRL-D] [CTRL-U] Scroll down, up one-half screen
[CTRL-E] [CTRL-Y] Show one more line at bottom, top of window
z [RETURN] Reposition line with cursor: to top of screen
z. Reposition line with cursor: to middle of screen
z- Reposition line with cursor: to bottom of screen
[CTRL-L] [CTRL-R] Redraw screen (without scrolling)
/ pattern Search forward for pattern
? pattern Search backward for pattern
n, N Repeat last search in same, opposite direction
/, ? Repeat previous search forward, backward
f x Search forward for character x in current line
F x Search backward for character x in current line
t x Search forward for character before x in current line
T x Search backward for character after x in current line
; Repeat previous current-line search
' Repeat previous current-line search in opposite direction
Line number
[CTRL-G] Display current line number
n G Move to line number n
G Move to last line in file
: n Move to line number n
Marking position
m x Mark current position as x
` x Move cursor to x
`` Return to previous mark or context
' x Move to beginning of line containing mark x
'' Return to beginning of line containing previous mark

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